Do you know a thing about Napolean Bonaparte?

Napolean Bonaparte truly changed world history forever. He helped make the world what it is today. He was a hero in the eyes of some and a villain in the eyes of others. This wondrous man did so much to shape world history it can hardly be described.

How much do you know about this figure of world history? Are you completely clueless as to what Napolean is famous for, or are you a history guru? Think you know a lot about this French hero? Take the quiz and see!

Created by: running

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where was Napolean Bonaparte born?
  2. Napolean Bonaparte first started his political career when he returned from a military campaign in what country?
  3. Napolean Bonaparte attempted to defeat what country through a trade embargo known as the 'Continental System'.
  4. Napolean was humiliatungly defeated by what commander during a huge sea battle?
  5. What Russian ruler defied Napolean and rebelled against him?
  6. During Napolean's campaign in Russia soon after, what lost it for him?
  7. Was Napolean's rule before or after the French Revolution?
  8. When Napolean was finally defeated, what Island was he exiled to, from which he eventually escaped.
  9. When Napolean escaped from captivity, he raised support only to be defeated at what historic battle?
  10. Who led the allied French troops against Napolean in this epic battle?
  11. What was the commander's real name?
  12. What isalnd was Napolean exiled to until his death?
  13. Because of his small stature, Napolean Bonaparte became known as the.....

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Quiz topic: Do I know a thing about Napolean Bonaparte?