The Toyota EV SUV Quiz

This is the Toyota EV SUV Quiz, to find out which Toyota EV SUV is right for you. You might have a low budget, a high budget, less seating, more seating, and even though this is a newly opened segment, Toyota has broke the standards.

If you need 1 seat, 2 seats, 3 seats, 4 seats, 5 seats, 6 seats, 7 seats, or 8 seats, Toyota has an electric SUV for you. Toyota is arguably the best car maker by reliability and practicality so you won't have to worry about too many repairs.

Created by: toyota_bZ4X
  1. Do you hang around with lots of friends and family?
  2. Do you like long range?
  3. Do you like big cars or medium ones?
  4. Do you prefer more boot space?
  5. What do you do when alone?
  6. Are you fun or play-video-games-at-home kind of lazy?
  7. Do you socialize a lot?
  8. Fast or slow?
  9. Capable or luxurious or both?
  10. Do you have a lot of family?

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