Warrior cats love story pt 1 for shecats only

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Hey!!! This quiz is a painfully short love story just for she cats. It took me a long time to make this and please excuse any errors. There almost definitely will be errors in the score but I did my best.

I have no idea what I'm doing... But I hope you enjoy nonetheless πŸ˜‰ I worked hard and long. Soooooo I hope you guys enjoyed.... I'm just repeating myself over and over. You know what just... Get on with the quiz already!!!!!!!

Created by: Skypaw
  1. Your name is Silverpaw. You are an apprentice of Rippleclan and you hear your leader Pikestar's voice ringing out from the tallstone into the clearing below. "Silverpaw, Blossomleaf and Striketail, take one apprentice and go hunt along the border of Mistclan." Striketail pads up to you. "Why don't you choose who comes with us, Silverpaw?" "Ok." You respond, choosing:
  2. You gather your legs below your haunches and leap forward with powerful force onto your prey, a juicy squirrel, 🐿 killing it. " Well done, Silverpaw!!" Lionpaw meowes. You blush a little.
  3. You enter the camp. Your patrol drops their fresh kill on the pile and chooses something of their own. Lionpaw pads up to you with your squirrel hanging in his jaws. "Waff to scare wiff me?" He mumbled around the squirrel. Before you could reply, Gorsepaw shows up at your side, dropping a fat rabbit at their feet. "Want to share with me, Silverpaw?" Lionpaw scowls at him. You choose to eat with:
  4. That morning you get to rest in your new den in the warrior den. You are so glad to finally be a warrior! Lionslash lays down in a nest close to where you are standing. The others do the same. You choose the nest closest to:
  5. _________ ( the cat you choose) says, "Thanks for sharing with me by the way. I was starving but I couldn't eat without you." Suddenly, Pikestar comes bounding out of his den and addresses the clan. "As you all know, we have five apprentices at the moment, all strong and brave and ever so worthy of their warrior names! From this moment forward, Gorsepaw will be known as Gorsepelt. Basspaw will be Bassleap, Yarrowpaw Yarrowstream, Lionpaw Lionslash, and Silverpaw Silverheart. You will all sit vigil tonight in honor of your new warrior names! Clan dismissed!" You feel proud as the clan chants you and your fellow apprentices new names. That night you sit vigil, the cold breeze of Leaf fall catching your fur so without a word you snuggle close to:
  6. Sunhigh comes and Squirrelfrost, the clan deputy, calls you out on a patrol. She says that she wants you tomlead a patrol of four warriors. You don't want to create tension between the tomcats so you choose Blossomleaf and Striketail to come, who purr at the request. Next you want to choose one of the toms but don't know which one. You choose:
  7. Your patrol catches lots to eat. Your belly growls. You need to eat. But before you can, your belly starts squirming.
  8. Lionslash bounds over with a thrush in his jaws. He sets it down. "Wanna share?" You hesitate.
  9. ________ meows, "Hey, I've uh, been wanting to say that I really like you. A lot. Maybe, uh, we could be mates?"
  10. You head to the medicine den and call for Raindrizzle. He responds, asking you what's wrong. You tell him about the squirming in your belly and he checks you. He tells you that you are expecting. Who do you think it is?
  11. Aaand a cliffhanger !!!!! Gotta love cliffhangers. See what happens to Silverheart in part two! Whos kits is she pregnant with?

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