What is your Paladin Discipline?

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Which Paladin Discipline are you? There are four disciplines within the Order, each focusing on a specific type of foe. Anti-Freak focuses on monsters, Anti-Heretics focus on humans, Anti-Specters focus on Ghosts and Spirits, and Anti-Demons (of course) focus on Demons.

Each Discipline attracts a different type of person and requires different sets of skills. Find out which one calls to you. Remember: go with you gut and pick that answer that most closely matches your thoughts.

Created by: Mason Cren of The Paladin Archives
(your link here more info)
  1. In general, what’s the most important skill to solving challenges?
  2. What’s your role in the team?
  3. Which foes are most dangerous?
  4. What is your deepest motivation in the fight against the Darkness?
  5. Which historical figure or legend inspires you the most?
  6. What is the worst thing a person could do?
  7. How do you regard authority?
  8. What is your preferred weapon?
  9. There are more than Paladins in the Order. What other staff do you find important?
  10. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind with the Order?

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Quiz topic: What is my Paladin Discipline?
