You are a Rainwing and what type?

you are tackling a test on what type of rainwing you would be. sassy, rebellious, royal, lazy, ect. this is here to have fun on and to see if you qualify for other things like professional sleepers or other.

you may also see some of my other quizzes to see your results there. I hope you have fun. so please play this with fun in mind not competition! have all the fun you can

Created by: Menchie Freckles
  1. are you a hybrid?
  2. do you want to be a royal?
  3. what color would you be?
  4. are you lazy?
  5. do you like fruit?
  6. sleep or play?
  7. do you change your colors alot?
  8. if this was the last question would you be happy?
  9. do you really want to be queen
  10. last one!

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